54 research outputs found

    Message passing for the coloring problem: Gallager meets Alon and Kahale

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    Message passing algorithms are popular in many combinatorial optimization problems. For example, experimental results show that {\em survey propagation} (a certain message passing algorithm) is effective in finding proper kk-colorings of random graphs in the near-threshold regime. In 1962 Gallager introduced the concept of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes, and suggested a simple decoding algorithm based on message passing. In 1994 Alon and Kahale exhibited a coloring algorithm and proved its usefulness for finding a kk-coloring of graphs drawn from a certain planted-solution distribution over kk-colorable graphs. In this work we show an interpretation of Alon and Kahale's coloring algorithm in light of Gallager's decoding algorithm, thus showing a connection between the two problems - coloring and decoding. This also provides a rigorous evidence for the usefulness of the message passing paradigm for the graph coloring problem. Our techniques can be applied to several other combinatorial optimization problems and networking-related issues.Comment: 11 page

    On the random satisfiable process

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    In this work we suggest a new model for generating random satisfiable k-CNF formulas. To generate such formulas -- randomly permute all 2^k\binom{n}{k} possible clauses over the variables x_1, ..., x_n, and starting from the empty formula, go over the clauses one by one, including each new clause as you go along if after its addition the formula remains satisfiable. We study the evolution of this process, namely the distribution over formulas obtained after scanning through the first m clauses (in the random permutation's order). Random processes with conditioning on a certain property being respected are widely studied in the context of graph properties. This study was pioneered by Ruci\'nski and Wormald in 1992 for graphs with a fixed degree sequence, and also by Erd\H{o}s, Suen, and Winkler in 1995 for triangle-free and bipartite graphs. Since then many other graph properties were studied such as planarity and H-freeness. Thus our model is a natural extension of this approach to the satisfiability setting. Our main contribution is as follows. For m \geq cn, c=c(k) a sufficiently large constant, we are able to characterize the structure of the solution space of a typical formula in this distribution. Specifically, we show that typically all satisfying assignments are essentially clustered in one cluster, and all but e^{-\Omega(m/n)} n of the variables take the same value in all satisfying assignments. We also describe a polynomial time algorithm that finds with high probability a satisfying assignment for such formulas

    The condensation phase transition in random graph coloring

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    Based on a non-rigorous formalism called the "cavity method", physicists have put forward intriguing predictions on phase transitions in discrete structures. One of the most remarkable ones is that in problems such as random kk-SAT or random graph kk-coloring, very shortly before the threshold for the existence of solutions there occurs another phase transition called "condensation" [Krzakala et al., PNAS 2007]. The existence of this phase transition appears to be intimately related to the difficulty of proving precise results on, e.g., the kk-colorability threshold as well as to the performance of message passing algorithms. In random graph kk-coloring, there is a precise conjecture as to the location of the condensation phase transition in terms of a distributional fixed point problem. In this paper we prove this conjecture for kk exceeding a certain constant k0k_0

    Data Augmentation for Modeling Human Personality: The Dexter Machine

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    Modeling human personality is important for several AI challenges, from the engineering of artificial psychotherapists to the design of persona bots. However, the field of computational personality analysis heavily relies on labeled data, which may be expensive, difficult or impossible to get. This problem is amplified when dealing with rare personality types or disorders (e.g., the anti-social psychopathic personality disorder). In this context, we developed a text-based data augmentation approach for human personality (PEDANT). PEDANT doesn't rely on the common type of labeled data but on the generative pre-trained model (GPT) combined with domain expertise. Testing the methodology on three different datasets, provides results that support the quality of the generated data
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